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Map your next transportation project

With a comprehensive aerial view of your entire transport network, you can confidently, efficiently, and safely monitor assets, plan expansions, and more from the comfort of your desk.
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Insights that take you from A-Z

Realize data-driven precision, efficiency, and success at every stage of the transportation project lifecycle. From enhancing asset management to analyzing the environmental impact of proposals, location intelligence is the source of truth you need to design, deliver, and maintain safe and reliable transportation networks.

Accurate data = smoother projects

Detail in every pixel

Minimize risk in the tendering process with the most current, detailed, measurable, and insight-rich location intelligence of project sites. Leverage imagery and data to identify potential issues early, ensure compliance, pioneer environmentally conscious planning, and provide better visualization of proposals.

Harness massive-scale 3D datasets, dense point clouds, and detailed digital surface and elevation models to deepen your understanding of the terrain and slope of a proposed project. Unlock hidden insights with Near-Infrared (NIR) imagery, like subtle changes in vegetation health, to add another layer of precision to your analysis.

End-to-end insights

Stay in the loop

Monitor progress, placement, and restoration of assets, and clearly communicate updates with relevant government agencies all the way up to and beyond project completion with frequently updated, remotely accessible, and multi-angle views of your sites.

Efficient, safe, and reliable transportation requires consistent asset monitoring and maintenance. The ability to clearly visualize change over time, and rapidly identify features — such as pavement damage, road markings, and roof condition — empowers you to safely and promptly mitigate risk, address deterioration, and respond to incidents.

Location intelligence is a vital tool for efficient emergency preparedness, response, and recovery. Predict the impact of different events on transportation infrastructure, expedite restoration efforts while keeping field crews safe, and enhance resilience with access to pre- and post-catastrophe content.

“The field crews got a bird's eye view of exactly where they were at while they were out in the field, and they were able to conduct detailed vegetation surveys on hundreds of acres in publicly-owned lands.”

Nikki Hart-Brinkley, Owner-Principal GIS, Green Top Planningtestimony-logo
Leading organizations trust Nearmap for our location intelligence

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Products for transportation

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Access the location intelligence capable of transporting your efficiency to the next level

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