


Get a Demo

Measurable oblique imagery

Take accurate measurements from individual high-res tile images of ground locations from multiple angles.
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45º angle views

View individual images of a location from cardinal or ordinal directions from survey flight orientation.

Easy assessments

Measure height, width, and area to identify safety, compliance, and structural requirements.

Wide coverage

Oblique imagery is online for 1,740 U.S. urban areas — giving you nationwide ground truth.

Give your measurements accuracy and confidence

Oblique measurement tools provide everything you need to take measurements of height, width, pitch, area, and angle from current, high-resolution source photos.

Virtually explore worksites and projects

Work with a natural, on-the-ground perspective using oblique aerial photographs that remove obscuring elements like trees or tall buildings.

Leading organizations trust Nearmap for our location intelligence

“Every team within our Community Development Department—which includes Community Enhancement and Safety, Public Works, Engineering, Building and Safety, Planning—all use Nearmap on a daily basis.”

Miguel Ramirez-Cornejo, Economic Development Senior Management Analyst, City of Eastvaletestimony-logoView Customer Story

“3D data and aerial imagery help us get the most information we need for a project without ever having to go on-site. I can see things that previously required lots of time in the field to understand. It's a much better way of working.”

Justin Racelis, Civil Engineer and BIM Specialist, Stantectestimony-logoView Customer Story

“We use Nearmap proactively by using passive data and the frequency of the imagery provided throughout the year to plan for our city.”

Kevin Stehle, Business Systems Analysttestimony-logoView Customer Story

How Oblique imagery enhances insights


Monitor change for assessments and environmental efforts using industry-leading historical and up-to-date Oblique imagery.


Improve site selection, constructibility reviews, and preliminary design with enhanced insights from multiple viewing angles.


Evaluate condition or damage from more sides of structures for greater accuracy and faster underwriting and claims.

Asset maintenance

Monitor and maintain assets across a wide network with the clarity and insights provided by multi-directional Oblique imagery.


Improve risk assessments and emergency response preparedness with accurate, multi-directional data.


Enhance site assessments and improve the accuracy of solar installations using insights from multiple angles.

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