Scan entire neighborhoods in minutes from multiple angles. Our historical imagery archive shows additional perspective over time.
Focus on your properties of interest and access the information you need with one click access to data and insights.
Gain greater situational and context changes over time by comparing historical imagery through side-by-side comparisons.
Realize the power of high-resolution imagery with Nearmap AI. Gain a comprehensive summary of property conditions and attributes.
Gain roof age and condition insights across large areas, leveraging AI and computer vision data. With accurate and reliable roof data, insurers can better predict and prevent losses, avoid premium leakage, and provide faster quoting.
Mitigate and manage fire risk with Nearmap AI helping identify and assess attributes surrounding properties, including defensible space and 3D topography.
Mitigate peril risk with real-world data to analyze property conditions, regional hazards, and additional geospatial datapoints. Get a complete, predictive view of exposure to fire, hurricanes, hail, and more.
Changing the game in early disaster response, Nearmap ImpactTriage AI offers a three-tier and FEMA-based five-tier property damage classification delivered via API, quickly identifying impacted properties.
Review properties at scale for assessment of changes, additions, and potential permit violations.
More InfoAssess current and historical features, condition, and structural change for multiple properties of interest.
More InfoSimplify and accelerate manual underwriting reviews or claims adjustments for properties of interest.
More InfoIdentify hidden property features and conditions that may affect property value and sales success.
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