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Current, contextual 3D point cloud data

Digitally recreate the built environment in dense 3D points, providing unparalleled context with a 360-degree view.
Try 3D Point Cloud

Scale your insights

Nearmap 3D point cloud augments traditional aerial imagery by delivering an immersive build of your entire area of interest.

Past and present

Tap into a historic library of 3D geospatial content to gain a retrospective area view and readily identify change over time.

Integration ready

Utilize 3D data in a wide variety of design and visualization platforms for a fully immersive experience with enhanced visual details.

Government agencies

A new dimension of community planning

Modernize infrastructure planning with up-to-date, high-resolution 3D point cloud data. Understand terrain and objects in context with colorized, georeferenced 3D visualizations.

Insurance organizations

360-degree property inspections

Accelerate risk assessment and underwriting processing with precise 3D location insights. Utilize 3D point cloud software for detailed height and slope assessments to know a property’s details without going onsite.

Commercial firms

Plan digitally, build accurately

Optimize design processes with colorized and georeferenced 3D point clouds. Streamline project planning and surface reviews with high-resolution 3D data. Leverage point clouds to simplify BIM creation of proposed and existing features.


Sync with your workflows

Quickly sync Nearmap to your workflows with seamless integrations. With our APIs, you can create bespoke solutions to better meet your needs.Integrations & APIs

“3D data and aerial imagery help us get the most information we need for a project without ever having to go on-site. I can see things that previously required lots of time in the field to understand. It's a much better way of working.”

Miguel Ramirez-Cornejo, Economic Development Senior Management Analyst, City of Eastvaletestimony-logo

Get started today

Virtually create immersive projects in 3D to better physically execute your vision

Try 3D Point Cloud