


Get a Demo

Know the health of your portfolio

Portfolio Intelligence is a pre-built solution within the Betterview platform that delivers a clear, data-driven view of risk distribution. By aggregating AI-powered risk detections, scores, and key property insights, (re)insurers gain faster access to in-depth portfolio insights—enabling smarter underwriting, risk management, and growth strategies.
Demo Portfolio Intelligence

Enhance resilience

Quickly assess portfolio health with pre-built tools that help reduce losses and improve overall risk management.

Improve performance

Segment portfolio by agency or region to evaluate performance, provide proper training and support, and improve agent relationship and efficiency.

Expand business

Map your entire portfolio to identify geographical distributions and discover new opportunities for expansion and profitability.

Better Risk insights

Visualize risk distribution in seconds

Instant clarity

Color-coded maps highlight high-risk areas, such as properties with a low Roof Spotlight Index (RSI).

With the ability to filter by custom flags, users can segment their portfolio based on personalized rules, like the presence of trampolines, pools, wildfire risks, etc. — providing granular control over portfolio analysis.

Explore specific property clusters or individual locations for in-depth, actionable insights in one single source of truth. 

Smarter risk selection

Optimize agency performance

Performance metrics

Assess agency performance based on RSI distributions, flagged risks, and other key indicators.

Easily interpret agency performance through interactive visualizations.

Extract detailed property insights for efficient decision-making and collaboration with agents.

“Portfolio Intelligence brings a lot of value to me, with these pre-built insights, I can get to the portfolio-level risk exposure much faster than ever before, and make more accurate underwriting and claims decisions.”

Shawn Kein, YP of Underwriting, Utica First Insurancetestimony-logo

“This Portfolio Intelligence is exactly what I've been talking to the Nearmap team about for the last couple of years about helping me better manage the book on a portfolio basis versus an individual exposure basis.”

Rob Jacobson, CEO & President, Rockford Mutual Insurancetestimony-logo

“With this portfolio-level analysis we can identify individual agents that need more effort, and then help them be specific with how to do better. As a result, we can get to an overall better roof quality than before. We can start making it actionable with all that data.”

Chad Combs, VP of Underwriting, PL, Ohio Mutual Insurance Grouptestimony-logo

“I can look at the property concentration map and some of these bare spots and ask: ‘Why don’t we have any insured in this area?’ ‘Which agent would I talk to in that geographic area?' This helps us identify opportunities to grow.”

Jonathan Becker, VP of Underwriting, Vermont Mutualtestimony-logo
new market opportunities

Grow your portfolio

Map your entire portfolio to uncover geographical distributions, refine target markets, and drive profitability. With Portfolio Intelligence, insurers can easily identify areas with low policy concentration or no presence at all, and confidently develop strategies to expand the business.

Ready to upgrade your insights?

​​Move beyond fragmented property assessments and take a comprehensive approach to portfolio-wide risk analysis. Portfolio Intelligence helps carriers reduce losses, optimise underwriting strategies, and drive long-term profitability.

Try Portfolio Intelligence