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Access on-demand property insights

Gain fast, accurate property-level insights from our integrated suite of solutions including industry-leading aerial imagery, property zone map details and AI data.
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Search by address or upload multiple CSV file addresses to assess data on properties and surrounding neighbourhoods.


View property boundaries and information including parcel ID, property coordinates, property type, roof condition and more.


Gain greater situational and context changes over time by comparing historical imagery through side-by-side comparisons.

Tap into comprehensive property insights

Nearmap enhances the power of high-resolution imagery with Nearmap AI to deliver a comprehensive summary of property condition and attributes.

Discover roof age and condition

Gain roof age and condition insights across large areas, leveraging AI and computer vision data. With accurate and reliable roof data, insurers can better predict and prevent losses, avoid premium leakage, and provide faster quoting. 

Protect properties with bushfire risk knowledge

Mitigate and manage fire risk with Nearmap AI helping identify and assess attributes surrounding properties.

Gain a wide or close-scaled view of peril risk

Mitigate peril risk with real-world data to analyse property condition, regional hazards, and further geospatial datapoints. Get a complete, predictive view of exposure to fire, cyclone, hail, and more.

“We realised that by applying averages based off the data we could see in Nearmap imagery, we had all the information to make quicker assessments.”

James McInerney, Disaster Estimating Manager, A1 Services

“Accenture gets to help build the most advanced solar platform on the planet and work with amazing partners like Origin, Google, and Nearmap.”

Vaughn Muirhead, Associate Director, Cloud First, Google Business Group at Accenturetestimony-logo

“Nearmap has property boundaries, road names, and other useful background data. That means that in many cases, you don’t need to use a GIS program.”

Marcus Lee, Planner & Scheduler, Veolia Network Services Brisbanetestimony-logo

“If I had to do this job again and I didn't have access to MapBrowser, I don't know what I would do. Having a tool like this means I can get all the detail and information I need, as accurately as possible.”

Esther Lang, Senior Project Engineer, Airports & Specialised Pavements, Downertestimony-logo
Leading organisations trust Nearmap as a source of accurate location intelligence

Your Industry insights


Review properties at scale for assessment of changes, additions and potential permit violations.

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Assess current and historical features, condition and structural change for multiple properties of interest.

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Simplify and accelerate manual underwriting reviews or claims adjustments for properties of interest.

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Real Estate

Identify hidden property features and conditions that may affect property value and sales success.

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What could you achieve with Nearmap?

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