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Take your portfolio to new heights

Lead more sustainable and valuable projects with comprehensive location intelligence for every stage of the property lifecycle.
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Powerful property data on-demand

Nearmap is reshaping property, real estate and facility management for a smarter, more sustainable future. Streamline developments, enhance urban planning and optimise facility maintenance with clear and current aerial views and rapid AI-based feature identification from Nearmap.

Develop forward-thinking spaces

Track growth trends

Use over 10 years of historical imagery overlayed with AI-data sets such as construction sites and building footprints to track growth and changes to areas of development over time that may impact your portfolio — such as new housing or infrastructure developments.

Track the progress of nearby developments, overlay demographic data, and measure the distance to nearby schools, transit, shops, hospitals, or other amenities to evaluate your portfolio value with greater accuracy.

Manage portfolios with ease and confidence

Cut costs with remote site evaluations

Save time, resources and money on site visits with top down, oblique, and immersive 3D views of your entire portfolio — remotely accessible from the comfort of your desk.

Ensure the safety and compliance of your properties by optimising vegetation management and road maintenance. Frequently updated imagery provides leaf-on and unobstructed, leaf-off views of assets so you can explore seasonal differences and requirements.

Remotely assess the need for capital improvements, and inspect damage or weather-related outcomes to prolong the life of your assets and reduce costs over time with frequently updated imagery and post-catastrophe content.

Showcase listings with compelling imagery

Sell more with listings populated with beautiful, clear, and current imagery covering up to 75% of the New Zealand population. Demonstrate deep knowledge of your portfolio with historical content, and highlight features and nearby amenities that clients value in detail.


Sync with your workflows

Quickly sync Nearmap to your workflows with seamless integrations. With our APIs, you can create bespoke solutions to better meet your needs.Integrations & APIs

Real estate data visualisation

Optimise even the most diverse real estate and facility management portfolios with location intelligence for every stage of the property lifecycle.

Get started today

Take your portfolio to new heights.

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