Gain complete portfolio intelligence

Be among the first to try Portfolio Intelligence in the Betterview platform. Start enhancing risk selection, reducing losses, and driving profitable growth with a clearer, data-driven understanding of risk distribution.

Know the health of your portfolio

Portfolio Intelligence combines detailed property data with big-picture portfolio analysis, delivering a more accurate and comprehensive view of your policies in force (PIF). By aggregating AI-driven insights across every property in your book, you can understand risk exposure, evaluate agency performance, and uncover new market opportunities—ensuring a more resilient and profitable portfolio.

Build a stronger, more balanced portfolio

Quickly assess portfolio health with pre-built tools that help reduce losses and improve overall risk management.

Optimise portfolio health

Don't rely on static reports and manual processes. Portfolio Intelligence integrates high-res aerial imagery, AI-powered detections, and key property insights into a single platform so insurers can better:

Assess health

Visualise risk distribution and highlight areas of concern, such as poor roof conditions.

Evaluate performance

Track regional and agency-specific risk trends for more strategic decision-making.

Segment risk

Filter and analyse portfolios based on AI-driven risk scores, custom flags (e.g., homes with trampolines, old roofs, or missing defensible space), and third-party data integrations.

Identify opportunities

Leverage portfolio-wide intelligence to refine target markets, optimise pricing, and drive profitability.

“Portfolio Intelligence brings a lot of value to me, with these pre-built insights, I can get to the portfolio-level risk exposure much faster than ever before, and make more accurate underwriting and claims decisions.”

Shawn Kain, SVP & Chief Underwriting Officer, Utica First Insurancetestimony-logo

“This tool is very helpful when we do agency reviews. I can identify the agencies that are underperforming, give these insights over to my underwriting manager for re-underwriting effort. Now I'm doing a surgical strike on my book of business on what matters most, which is more time efficient, more payroll efficient, and more budget friendly.”

Rob Jacobson, CEO & President, Rockford Mutual Insurance testimony-logo

“I can look at the property concentration map and some of these bare spots and ask, ‘Why don’t we have any insured in this area? Which agent would I talk to in that geographic area?’ This helps us identify opportunities to grow.”

Jonathan Becker, VP of Underwriting, Vermont Mutual testimony-logo

Unlock portfolio-wide property intelligence

Be among the first to experience property intelligence for your entire portfolio — in a single source of truth.

Demo Portfolio Intelligence