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Elevate your 3D digital models

Expand your understanding of ground truth with accurate bare-earth and built-environment visuals powered by 3D data models: digital elevation model (DEM), digital surface model (DSM) and digital terrain model (DTM).
Try Nearmap 3D

Bare to built

Represent the built environment through detailed DSM and DTM files for a more comprehensive understanding of the terrain, whether bare earth or built environment.

See every layer

Customise your view by using DEM, DSM, DTM, or any number of combinations to access the insights you need for your area of interest.

Click through time

Leverage our entire historic library of 3D geospatial content to transport back in time with a click and easily identify temporal changes in terrain.

Government agencies

Data-driven precautions

Identify hazardous surface slopes for seasonal road treatment and surface runoff with precise 3D digital terrain models. Expedite risk and disaster response for heavy rain events and flooding through detailed DSM insights.

Insurance organisations

Accurate property dimensions

Better understand elevation and slope related risk using DSM and DTM models. Utilise 3D digital elevation models for height and proximity assessments.

Commercial firms

Efficient project execution

Identify existing elevation and slope with high resolution digital models with ease. Streamline project planning, surface reviews, and preliminary designs with accurate 3D digital surface model software.


Sync with your workflows

Quickly sync Nearmap to your workflows with seamless integrations. With our APIs, you can create bespoke solutions to better meet your needs.Integrations & APIs

“3D data and aerial imagery help us get the most information we need for a project without ever having to go on-site. I can see things that previously required lots of time in the field to understand. It's a much better way of working.”

Civil Engineer and BIM Specialist, Stantectestimony-logo

“Accenture gets to help build the most advanced solar platform on the planet and work with amazing partners like Origin, Google, and Nearmap.”

Associate Director, Cloud First, Google Business Group at Accenturetestimony-logo

Get started today

See how Nearmap 3D DEM, DSM, and DTM allow you to better understand your area of interest to better physically execute your vision.

Try Nearmap 3D